
Canadian Sheep Federation Town Hall

Canadian Sheep Federation Town Hall

Canadian Sheep Federation Town Hall The Canadian Sheep Federation hosted its town hall for Manitoba yesterday evening.  Please note, for those who missed it, there are other opportunities to tune in.  Please see the schedule below. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency...

Canadian Sheep Federation Town Hall

4-H & OLYPC Meeting Recording

For the Up and Coming Sheep Producer... A meeting took place on April 12th, 2023 - to access a mtg recording, click here. We invite anyone interested in sheep 4-H to join Manitoba Sheep Association and Shannon Carvey, Executive Director of Manitoba 4-H council, to...

Canadian Sheep Federation Town Hall

Proposed amendments to livestock traceability regulations webinar

Please note the dates for the CFIA's sheep producer webinars below: Webinar – Sheep producers and owners English session – March 31, 2023 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (EDT) (email to ) French session – March 31, 2023...

Canadian Sheep Federation Town Hall

CSF Webinar – Agroledger Responsible Administrator Presentation

MSA members are invited to an informational webinar hosted by CSF on the Agroledger Responsible Administrator program. Monday, March 27th 6:00 p.m. CDT Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 8638...