Manitoba Sheep has partnered with Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board to offer the following webinars to our membership.

Persons wanting to attend webinars are required to register a minimum of one day prior to the date of each event by calling (306) 933-5200 or by email Registered participants will receive the zoom invite the morning of the webinar. There is no registration fee to participate in the webinar series.

Webinar 1-
“The Benefits of Synchronizing Ewes” 
February 18, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Producer Testimonials and Discussion, Dr. Dinesh Dadarwal (WCVM) will be available to answer technical questions – webinar sponsored by the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

Webinar 2-
“Parasite Management and Monitoring”
February 25, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Dr. Melanie Wowk (Zoetis) – webinar sponsored by Zoetis.

Webinar 3-
“Successful Artificial Rearing of Lambs”
March 4, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Producer Testimonials and Discussion, Jackson Matschke (Grober Nutrition) will be available to answer technical questions – webinar sponsored by Grober Nutrition.

Webinar 4-
“Annual and Perennial Forage Species for Grazing Sheep”
March 11, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Grant Lastiwka (Union Forage) webinar sponsored by Union Forage.

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