- Sheep Handling Equipment – This webinar explains the use of low stress handling techniques and equipment. Well designed handling equipment and setup will allow a sheep producer to raise and manage more sheep on their farm, using less labour while minimizing stress to both the animal and handler.
- Artificial Lamb Rearing – This webinar deals with milk replacer feeding and the management of orphaned lambs or those produced by prolific ewes on an intensive sheep operation. We discuss milk replacer selection, milk preparation, the equipment required and sanitation practices to successfully rear lambs to weaning.
Feeding Milk Replacer to Lambs – Artificial Lamb Rearing
- Pregnancy Management – This webinar explains the technology involved for producers to identify ewes on their farm carrying multiple lambs allowing for more precise feeding and husbandry management.
- Flock Health, production records and biosecurity – This webinar broadly discusses how to increase your ability to identify superior individuals within a flock to improve flock management and productivity. The production limiting disease Maedi Visna (MVV) and genetic Scrapie screening practices are both discussed as ways to identify disease resistance and improvement within the breeding flock.