The MB Sheep Association is very excited to announce that we will be having a Jackpot Market Lamb Show in conjunction with Ag Ex  on October 28 & 29 at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, MB.


  • Lambs have to be ewes or wethers weighing between 100 and 130 lbs. They will be shown in 3 weight splits (100-109,110-119 & 120-130).
  • There will be 4 ways to win $$$.
  • Highest scoring lamb determined by ultrasound measurement (loin eye size, back fat depth) etc and correlation to grid scale-  $1000 prize
  • 1st place as determined by an accredited judge.- $1000 prize
  • 1st place as determined by fan selection – $1000 prize
  • Grand Aggregate Champion will be the lamb that collects the most points through the 3 different selection methods – $3000 prize
  • Reserve Grand Aggregate Champion will be the second place lamb overall –  $1500 prize

Click here for an entry form

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