
North Country Cheviot Rams

For Sale North Country Cheviot Rams 2 to 4 years old available Clifford Flynn 204-733-2410 (land line)

Purebred Dorper Rams

Purebred Dorper Rams

Two pure bred Dorper rams, nearly two years old. Purchased one for $700 and the other for $500. Selling them now for $400 each. Dorper (Standard Colour) CAN 800618 -[CAN]800618- TCS ELEMENTAL 60L M 2023-03-19 50320 Near Cartwright Manitoba. My home phone is...

Flock Dispersal

Flock Dispersal

Flock Dispersal 50 – Ile de France/Polypay x Rambouillet Ewes (2 – 4 years old) SOLD 9 - Ile de France x Romney Black Ewes (1 year old) 1 - Ile de France x Romney Black Ram (1 year old) Replacement Ewe Lambs, coloured and white available, (May born) SOLD 1 – Guardian...

150 Clun Forest Cross Ewes

150 Clun Forest Cross Ewes

For Sale: 150 open Clun Forest cross ewes. Age 2-5 years. From a 1000 ewe pasture lambing flock. Mature ewes lambing at 170%. Vaccinated with Glanvac. Selling to make room for replacement ewe lambs in the spring. $275 each. Contact Wayne McDonald 204 523 2527...

Registered Suffolk Ram

Registered Suffolk Ram

Registered Suffolk Ram for sale.  He is from Florence Pullen's flock out of Ontario. Keeping too many related ewes. Need a new flock.$800.00 with registration. Call 204-212-2557

Rideau Ewe lambs for sale

If you’re looking to start in the sheep business or looking to expand your flock, these girls are ready to be bred. We run an intensive sheep operation, with our ewes lambing 3 times in 2 years and we lamb every other month. We select our ewe lambs from ewes that can...

150 open Clun Forest cross ewes For Sale

150 open Clun Forest cross ewes For Sale

For Sale: 150 open Clun Forest cross ewes. 2-5 years old. From a 1000 ewe pasture lambing flock. Mature ewe lambing percentage 170%. Easy lambers and excellent mothers. Picture attached. Contact info for both ads: Wayne & Maria McDonald 204 523 2527...

For Sale – Dorset and Suffolk Ewe Lambs

For Sale – Dorset and Suffolk Ewe Lambs

For Sale … Dorset and Suffolk Ewe Lambs One group born in Feb 2022 and another group born in April 2022 Some are registered All sired by registered rams. Beautiful replacement ewe lambs that would ad value to any flock. All vaccinated twice with Glanvac For further...

Great Pyrenees x Akbash Guardian Pups for Sale

Great Pyrenees x Akbash Guardian Pups for Sale

Great Pyrenees x Akbash 7 week old pups $350 Excellent predator control working parents and Grandparents guard a large sheep flock McAuley, MB Phone 204 722 2066 Cell     204 851 3136