Fall District Meeting – Registration Needed!

The Manitoba Sheep Association Board of Directors would like to remind members regarding details surrounding its District Meeting, being held in a virtual format this year due to government restrictions on gathering size.  In addition to the District Meeting, the MSA will also be hosting its AGM virtually.  Please see info below regarding both meetings as well as information regarding the 2020 MSA Board of Director elections.

Thursday, November 5th
7:00 p.m.
Zoom Webinar – Registration Required

This meeting will serve as an opportunity for the MSA to give a brief update, for members to raise any suggestions for resolutions as well as for any needed elections to take place.

Click here to Register 

Please note the following:

  • If you chose to access the meeting via computer or smartphone, you will need a Zoom account to access the meeting.  Zoom accounts are free and only require a valid email address.  If you do not already have a zoom account, please take a moment, prior to the meeting, to sign up at zoom.us or download the app on your mobile device.
  • The meeting will start at 7pm sharp, please ensure that you have registered with the link above well prior to the event to ensure there is no delay in being able to access the meeting.
  • All attendees will be muted upon entry to the meeting.
  • Voting will be completed using the polling option through zoom.  Members who choose to access the meeting via landline, will unfortunately not have the ability to vote.  Voting requires accessing the meeting via computer or smartphone.
Annual General Meeting & Fall District Meeting

Annual General Meeting & Fall District Meeting

The Manitoba Sheep Association Board of Directors would like to remind members regarding details surrounding its 2020 Annual General Meeting, being held in a virtual format this year due to government restrictions on gathering size.  In addition to the AGM, the MSA will also be hosting one fall district meeting in which all district business will be handled.  Please see info below regarding both meetings as well as information regarding the 2020 MSA Board of Director elections.

Both of these meetings will be held virtually, however will be accessible by both phone and online.


MSA District Meeting

Thursday, November 5th
7:00 p.m.
Zoom Webinar

This meeting will serve as an opportunity for the MSA to give a brief update, for members to raise any suggestions for resolutions as well as for any needed elections to take place.

MSA Annual General Mtg

Tuesday, November 17th
7:00 p.m.
Zoom Webinar

The MSA will be posting a link to register for the virtual AGM, as well as all supporting meeting documents (agenda, past meeting minutes, financials) on our website (www.mbsheep.ca) by November 1st, 2020.  Please visit the website then to register for the meeting.  In the meantime, please simply save the date.  Please note that registration for the AGM will be required.


The following district representatives will be up for election:Central District
Interlake District
Western Director
Northwest Director

Additionally, the Board will have one director at large position up for election.

If you are interested in putting your name forward for any of these positions, you must let the MSA office know by October 31st, 2020.  No names will be able to be put forward from the floor at the virtual AGM – all nominations must be received prior to the deadline. 

Maritime Central Ram Performance & Genetic Evaluation Program Survey

A note to Producers-Sheep Measles: Are You Putting Canadian Lamb at Risk?

Sheep Measles: Are You Putting Canadian Lamb at Risk?

Dr. Neil Versavel DVM

Sheep Measles, caused by the canine tapeworm T. ovis, results in small white cysts throughout the meat of sheep rendering it unpalatable and leading to carcass condemnation.  By feeding raw sheep meat back to livestock and herding dogs, sheep producers risk completing the life cycle of the tapeworm and thereby perpetuating this economically disastrous parasitic infection.  Affected sheep cannot be treated for the parasite, only proper treatment of meat products fed to dogs combined with routine deworming of all dogs exposed to the sheep flock with Drontal Plus, Lopatol or fenbendazole can stop sheep measles in its tracks.