North Country Cheviot Rams

For Sale

North Country Cheviot Rams

2 to 4 years old available

Clifford Flynn

204-733-2410 (land line)

Purebred Dorper Rams

Purebred Dorper Rams

Two pure bred Dorper rams, nearly two years old.

Purchased one for $700 and the other for $500.
Selling them now for $400 each.

Dorper (Standard Colour) CAN 800618 -[CAN]800618- TCS ELEMENTAL 60L M 2023-03-19 50320

Near Cartwright Manitoba.
My home phone is 204-523-8683.
My cell is 431-266-0000.

Evaluating Wool Workshop

Evaluating Wool Workshop

Evaluating Wool Workshop

Oct 24,2024
9 am – 4 pm
Lunch included
Please email to register

Flock Dispersal

Flock Dispersal

Flock Dispersal
50 – Ile de France/Polypay x Rambouillet Ewes (2 – 4 years old) SOLD
9 – Ile de France x Romney Black Ewes (1 year old)
1 – Ile de France x Romney Black Ram (1 year old)
Replacement Ewe Lambs, coloured and white available, (May born) SOLD
1 – Guardian dog (3 years old)
Ewes are all open.
Thirty years of breeding have gone into this flock to produce;
good dual purpose, meat and wool, sheep
high fertility,
3 lambings every 2 years through natural breeding
190% – 200% lambing.
wool clip of 10 – 12 lbs of fine wool.
Flock is being dispersed because I am retiring.
For more information contact:
Brian Greaves
Miniota, Manitoba
Phone: 204 – 567 – 3509 (Landline)

150 Clun Forest Cross Ewes

150 Clun Forest Cross Ewes

For Sale: 150 open Clun Forest cross ewes. Age 2-5 years. From a 1000 ewe pasture lambing flock. Mature ewes lambing at 170%. Vaccinated with Glanvac. Selling to make room for replacement ewe lambs in the spring. $275 each.

Contact Wayne McDonald

204 523 2527

Cartwright, MB